Alessandra Giro
Poser la question du monde absurde, c’est demander :
“ Allons-nous accepter le désespoir, sans rien faire ? ” Je suppose que personne d’honnête ne peut répondre oui.
A. Camus

Alessandra Giro
Letteratura italiana e comparata (L-FIL-LET/11)
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Alessandra Giro
Letteratura italiana e comparata (L-FIL-LET/11)
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Poser la question du monde absurde, c’est demander :
“ Allons-nous accepter le désespoir, sans rien faire ? ” Je suppose que personne d’honnête ne peut répondre oui.
A. Camus
I graduated in Modern Philology (curriculum Literary Theory and Criticism) at the University of Padua in 2013 with a dissertation on migrating literature supervised by Prof. Emanuele Zinato. Owing to the Erasmus Program, I spent the 2011/2012 academic year at the Université de La Réunion, working on the topic of colonialism. I obtained my Ph.D. in Language and Literary Studies in December 2018 in co-supervision with the Universities of Udine and the Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3, defending a thesis on the migration narrative in the Italian literature of the 2000s under the guidance of Prof. Silvia Contarini and Prof. Isabelle Felici.
I have experience in publishing: I collaborated with two French publishers and with the association La Réunion des Livres, which deals with the promotion of the Réunionese literature, by organising exhibitions at cultural events throughout the French territory; moreover, I was part of the management and editorial board of the transdisciplinary independent journal CONDO for three years, and am a member of the Associazione Obliquo, established in January 2020 in support of independent publishing within the context of photography, graphics and design. In parallel, since 2013, I have been teaching Italian language and literature at the University of Udine, Montpellier 3, at the Società Dante Alighieri at Sète, as well as in some middle and high schools in Corsica and in Pordenone.
I am currently a Research Fellow at the University of Udine and Aix-Marseille Université, due to an EU funding (ESF) provided by the project HEaD-Op3 for the research topic Spaesamento e straniamento nella rappresentazione letteraria del Monte Ventoso (da Petrarca a Michaël La Chance), whose scientific directors are Prof. Silvia Contarini and Prof. Raffaele Ruggiero.
I mainly deal with contemporary and comparative Italian literature, travel literature, literary theory and translation, with particular attention to issues concerning narratology, metafiction, estrangement and transdisciplinarity between literature, anthropology, sociology and political science.
Straniamenti e spaesamenti: la letteratura italiana a confronto con la letteratura europea nel XVIII e il XIX secolo
IncRESI 36/1 (2021) (in corso di pubblicazione)
L’influence de Pétrarque dans Le venturier au sommet de Michaël La Chance. Dépaysement et étrangisation dans la représentation du Mont Ventoux
Viaggiatori 6 (2020) (in corso di pubblicazione)
I pellegrini del XXI secolo. Il racconto della migrazione come viaggio interiore
Levia Gravia 17 (2015) 47–63