Professional opportunities

My name is Valy Tavan. I got my First Cycle Degree in Humanities, curriculum Classics, followed by a Second Cycle Degree in Classics: Archaeology, History, Literatures, both at the University of Udine.
Since high school I have worked within the touristic and cultural field, as well as in libraries, and I have attended many training courses organized by institutions such as Promoturismo FVG, Ecomuseo Lis Aganis, Comunità montana del Friuli occidentale, Consorzio Pro Loco Cellina Meduna, and AIB.
I am currently employed at the public libraries of Polcenigo and Cimolais.
The Interview
What led you to choose Humanistic Studies?
My passion for literature, archaeology and ancient history. Ever since middle school I have realized that those subjects were thought-provoking and could incentive a personal inner growth.
Have you ever been abroad during your university education?
No, I have never been abroad for study purposes.
What role does your humanistic education play in your current occupation?
Not surprisingly, my occupation requires an in-depth knowledge within culture and literature in particular, so I would say that my studies have proved themselves crucial, in this sense.
Do you think that humanistic studies could pave the way for various careers?
I do. Humanities lead you to acquire a growing open-mindedness, which consequently helps you developing new skills, even in unexpected areas. Because of this, it is pretty easy to pursue different professional paths, even though they do not strictly relate to the contents one has learned.
What would you recommend to young people struggling with the choice of the right study programme?
With great awareness I would suggest them to follow their own inclination, just like I did, and not to plan too far ahead their professional future – which is increasingly unpredictable, by the way. Personal fulfilment is an innate need and it happens only when you know for sure that you are on the right track, that you are practicing your skills, nurturing your interests, and pursuing your passions.