Travel Blogger
Professional opportunities

My name is Federica Xotti. I got a Bachelor's Degree in Cultural Tourism and currently I am a freelance blogger and professional influencer – a brand new business activity originated in the digital marketing space.
The Interview
What led you to choose Humanistic Studies?
I would say a natural predisposition due to which I have always preferred literary subjects, art, history and writing. Humanistic studies have improved my cultural baggage, made my mind more agile and enhanced my language and communication skills – that are all key features of my actual career.
Have you ever been abroad during your university education?
I have not, because of personal reasons. However, it is certainly a useful and valuable experience and I would recommend it to all students. A period of study abroad enriches and helps in maturing, in becoming independent and more aware. Besides, it gives also the opportunity to learn a foreign language, which is surely an added value for entering the world of work nowadays.
What role does your humanistic education play in your current occupation?
The basis of my profession are communication, speech ability, and the capacity to engage, to tell... from phrasing to organizing the thoughts and connecting with people around me, my humanistic education has given me the tools that allows me now to be ready and competitive in the world of digital communication – an extremely fast and ever-changing environment, where you just cannot afford to fall behind.
Do you think that humanistic studies could pave the way for various careers?
Yes, I definitely believe it! The world is more than mere numbers, it runs – mainly, in my opinion – on thoughts and words: those who can master these two instruments can undoubtedly count on a clear advantage.
What would you recommend to young people struggling with the choice of the right study programme?
It is not always easy to understand immediately which one could be the path that best suits our own inclinations and attitudes. Sometimes mistakes happen – it happend to me! –, so my advice is, do not be afraid to change your mind and walk a different path, wherever your dreams will lead you. Learning and education make us better people: the possibility of dedicating ourselves to what we cherish the most will make the experience even more enriching and fulfilling.