
- Find out more: Humanities – official webpage
- How to apply:
Seat: Udine
Coordinator: Prof. Marco Fucecchi
Video presentation of this course (Italian only)
- Find out more: Humanities – official webpage
- How to apply:
Seat: Udine
Coordinator: Prof. Marco Fucecchi
Video presentation of this course (Italian only)
Find your own words.
The degree course in Humanities aims to offer a solid multidisciplinary and innovative education, able to harmonize a more traditional approach, relying on the study of History, Literature, Philology and Linguistics, and the most recent technological developments in digital humanities. Its structure of five curricula, involving the attendance of various thematic laboratories and internships, allows students to customize their study plans, shaping them according to their own personal interests.
Five curricula, five paths to the future
If you ARE...
...interested in textual studies, claiming at the same time an excellent command of the Italian language and a lively curiosity for the cultural, historical and geographical aspects that have characterised our civilisation from ancient times to the present day, this course will provide you with a whole new approach, based upon the direct reading of original sources and their interpretation.
If you WANT... perfect your linguistic and textual skills, understand cultural phenomena and discover new aspects of these, the wide range of courses, labs and additional activities will help you expand your knowledge, switching with ease from one discipline to another, thus improving your mental flexibility and your critical sense.
If you WANT to become...
...a professional in the field of culture and its communication, the Bachelor's course alone will be enough for you to play a role in the context of cultural services and human resources. Moreover, the variety of content and the habit of accuracy – which are typical of humanistic studies – allow graduate students to be suitable for different professions, even those not directly related to this specific cultural sphere. Watch/read the interviews of some former students talking about their own experiences and the role of their education in the world of work.
If you WANT to continue...
...studying at the University of Udine, the Bachelor's degree in Humanities gives you access to a series of Master's degree courses. Choose the one that is best suited to you: