Italian Studies

Subject matters of the research carried out by this division are:
- with regard to Literary Studies: authors, works, contexts (both of the Italian Literature and its many regional realities); metrical structures and literary genres; textual transmission (of manuscripts and printed texts); cultural reception and transmission, even through a comparative perspective; Literary Theory;
- with regard to Linguistic Studies: the grammatical structure of the Italian language and dialects; their development over time, from the first medieval attestations to the present day; history of linguistic usage within their own social and institutional framework; history of the literary language and the relating theories over time; stylistic and metric in Italian literary texts; Italian Dialectology.
In both areas much attention is devoted to a reflection about the scientific methodologies applied to the involved disciplines, and a constant attention is paid to the history of studies. The chronological span covered by the research of this division goes from the origins of the Italian language to the contemporary age, and corresponds thus to the whole Italian linguistic and literary tradition.