Cinema, Music, Media culture

Thanks to its interdisciplinary nature and its close correlation with the latest innovations of the media, communication and contemporary culture sector, this division aims at promoting a stronger action towards the reference stakeholder, like: museums, archives, libraries and foundations – both public and private –, publishing (traditional, electronic and digital), organizations and companies operating in the field of visual arts, theatre, cinema, television, media, entertainment and advertising; companies and institutions active in the sphere of cinematographic and audiovisual restoration; film and audiovisual production companies and distributors; content provider for the web and mobile telephony; associations and organizations connected to audiovisual education; associations and bodies involved in the organization of events and in the management of cultural centers, such as theatres, expositions, festivals.
At the same time, the section will extend the field of the possible areas of institutional intervention (by reaching of new potential partners and beneficiaries) and of professional integration for students (by establishing relations with other productive sectors), on a local, regional, national and internaional scale.
The research division is also open to joint initiatives with other areas such as Social Studies, Philosophy, and History, in addition to the natural collaboration with the other – more akin – academic disciplines.