Medieval Archaeology and Ancient Topography Lab

Medieval Archaeology and Ancient Topography Lab
Scientific Director: Prof. Simonetta Minguzzi Technical Manager: Dr. Massimiliano Francescutto
Venue: Palazzo Caiselli, ground floor, room LT-08
Telephone: +39 0432 556149
Medieval Archaeology and Ancient Topography Lab
Scientific Director: Prof. Simonetta Minguzzi Technical Manager: Dr. Massimiliano Francescutto
Venue: Palazzo Caiselli, ground floor, room LT-08
Telephone: +39 0432 556149

The Medieval Archaeology and Ancient Topography Lab is the place of rielaboration of the data concerning the research activities within the post-classical field of study organized by DIUM, in particular the projects “…et in reliquis castellis. Study about fortifications in the foothills of Friuli” e “Water castles”.
Excavations are carried out, upon permission or in collaboration with the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities (Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali), in various fortified sites located between the Collio region and the Natisone Valleys (Castle Prampero, Castle Partistagno, Castle Motta of Savorgnano, Castle Zucco, Castle Ahrensperg), and are complemented by topographical surveys held in the neighbouring zones (Malina, Grivò and Natisone Valleys), in addition to archive research necessary in order to reconstruct the historical landscape.
The lab is used and equipped for the treatment of archaeological items, from washing to cataloguing and publishing. Study contexts are analysed through computer media (databases, territorial information systems on GIS-based platforms). Students, grad students, graduates and doctoral candidates can take thus the opportunity to engage in activities such as stratigraphical excavations, topographical surveys, computer management of data and cataloguing of archaeological finds.
Services offered
- Research activity for third parties
- Collaborations with institutions for computer cataloguing
- Collaborations with institutions for archaeological impact assessment
- ATLACH – ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY LAB FOR CULTURAL HERITAGE (University of Udine, University of Trieste and SISSA Trieste)
- Museo archeologico nazionale di Cividale (Udine)
- Museo archeologico medioevale di Attimis (Udine)
- RIMEM – University of Macerata
- Dr. Marcin Piotrowski, The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin (Poland)
- Prof. Lucina Travan and Dr. Paola Sacchieri, DIME – Dipartimento di area medica (University of Udine)
- Arch. Vittorio Foramitti and Prof. Andrea Fusiello, DPIA – Dipartimento politecnico di ingegneria e architettura (University of Udine)