Greek and Latin Epigraphy Lab

Greek and Latin Epigraphy Lab
Scientific Directors: Dr. Stefano Magnani; Dr. Maddalena Luisa Zunino
Venue: Palazzo Caiselli, ground floor, room LT-09
Telephone: +39 0432 556638 (Dr. Magnani); +39 0432 556184 (Dr. Zunino)
Opening hours: by appointment
Greek and Latin Epigraphy Lab
Scientific Directors: Dr. Stefano Magnani; Dr. Maddalena Luisa Zunino
Venue: Palazzo Caiselli, ground floor, room LT-09
Telephone: +39 0432 556638 (Dr. Magnani); +39 0432 556184 (Dr. Zunino)
Opening hours: by appointment

The Greek and Latin Epigraphy Lab conducts studies and research on written documents made of stone, pottery, metals and other durable materials. It hosts training activities, seminars and practical excercises concerning the making of epigraphic casts, the photographic tecniques applied to inscriptions and the tools for processing digital images in order to facilitate the deciphering. Those activities aim at integrating and enriching the educational offer, as well as allowing students to develop the skills required for working in this field. They will be also trained in recording and classifying epigraphic documents according to the internationally valid standards, digitising texts and managing and publishing data so that they could be accessible online.
The lab acts also as repository and processing center, and houses regularly meetings with students, interns and collaborators for diverse projects. It accomodates various materials, such as casts, photos, frottage, reliefs and, occasionally, inscriptions in view of their publication.
The lab is open to all students and scholars who collaborate to the ongoing epigraphic projects. Activities are addressed to all students with an interest in developing competences within this field: they are also given the opportunity to participate in trainings and seminars held at the most important museums and lapidaries in Friuli Venezia Giulia, in the framework of the already existing agreements and in view of new ones.
Projects and Collaborations
Currently the Lab conducts the following projects:
- Documenti iscritti dagli scavi per le moderne fognature di Aquileia – research activity dealing with the study of many ancient texts found during the excavation for sewage in Aquileia, in collaboration with the Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Aquileia, and theSocietà Friulana di Archeologia;
- La collezione Cernazai – a training activity focused on the study of the epigraphic collection of the family Cernazai, held between the Museo Archeologico Nazionale of Cividale and the Biblioteca "P. Bertolla" of the Archdiocesan Seminary of Udine.
The lab collaborates also with the Institut für Alte Geschichte und Altertumskunde of the Karl-Franzens-Universität of Graz and the Società Friulana di Archeologia to the Summer School in Epigraphy Saxa loquuntur, which takes place every August in Aquileia. Besides, it promotes the organization of seminars, workshops and conferences, and it is involved in the publication of essays and volumes concerning Epigraphy.
- M. Buora, S. Magnani (eds.), Le iscrizioni con funzione didascalico-esplicativa. Committente, destinatario, contenuto e descrizione dell'oggetto nell'instrumentum inscriptum, in Atti del VI incontro Instrumenta inscripta, Aquileia (26–28 marzo 2015), Trieste 2016.