Restoration Lab for historical-artistic artifacts

Restoration Lab for historical-artistic artifacts
Scientific Director: Dr. Martina Visentin
Venue: Palazzo Caiselli, first floor, room L1-06
Telephone: +39 0432 556624
Opening hours: by appointment
Restoration Lab for historical-artistic artifacts
Scientific Director: Dr. Martina Visentin
Venue: Palazzo Caiselli, first floor, room L1-06
Telephone: +39 0432 556624
Opening hours: by appointment

Although the laboratory does not host proper restoration courses, it represents a fundamental educational support to the courses of History of Artistic Techniques and Restoration and Restoration Diagnostic and Techniques, for the First and Second Cycle Degree Courses in Cultural Heritage and Art History and Heritage Preservation. Indeed, its activities allow students a direct examination of the materials of various artistic items, as well as of their degradation process.
For this purpose, many training seminars have been organised over the years, so that students could get acquainted with executive techniques and art materials used in the past and gain thus experience in the field of preservation and restoration. This tradition has been going on now for over 20 years and has brought in Udine prominent figures like Alessandro Princivalle (stratigraphic analysis), Monica Monreal (gilding), Sabino Giovannoni (consolidation of mural painting through Barium), Giancarlo Venuto (the Buon fresco painting technique; engraving; encaustic painting; tempera painting), Cecilia Zanin (diagnosis applied to works of art) and Orietta Felice (cleaning of paintings; paper restoration).
Available Equipment
The lab has currently several tools and a rich sampling of painting materials (pigments, binders, coatings etc.) and of the commonest substances used in restoration (adhesives, protectives, retouching colours etc.), which allow to perform restoration trials (on didactic samples) and recreation excercises concerning specific techniques (tempera and oil painting, Pressbrokat etc.).
Among the available equipment there are:
- a portable I.R. reflectography device (Spectra NIR 1000 branded Spectra)
- a light microscope with photographic apparatus (Zeiss Axiolab Pol C. Z.)
- a spectophotometer FTIR with ATR (Perkin Elmer Spectrum TWO)
- a portable UV lamp
- a solar spectrum lamp with stand (6500 degrees Kelvin)
- a pinacoscope 30 X
- a digital camera Panasonic DMC-FZ7
- a digital camera SONY cyber-shot DSC-H50 that allows to shoot with IR rays
- a videomicroscope Dinolite "72355 FLUO"
- a RESKOLUX UV 365 LED lamp for fluorescence analysis
- a heated spatula
- a temporary frame for relining
- a microsandblaster
- a hot plate
- an electric glue heater
- an iron for painting
All equipment is available for grad students in this field.
The lab regularly collaborates with other Departments of the University of Udine. Fundamental is also the constant cooperation with Dr. Andrea Gorassini, who is responsible for the analyses conducted with the IR spectophotometer– often required by numerous colleagues of DIUM.
Moreover, the Lab is partner of:
- various museums in Friuli Venezia Giulia (Museo Revoltella di Trieste, Museo Diocesano di Udine, Museo di Miramare a Trieste)
- CNR of Padova (Dr. Monica Favaro)
- the company Elettra - Sincrotrone Trieste (Dr. Franco Zanini) for the study of artistic materials